
Cancer preventing foods?

My mother is always telling me about the latest health food research, so I figured I'd summarise my today's dose of it here for my benefit (bad memory) and for anyone else who is interested. : 

Turmeric or more specifically cucurmin:

Rumour is that this spice acts as an antioxidant, helps stabilise blood sugar levels, destroys certain parts of cancer cells and is anti-inflammatory. For more info click here.

Soursop / graviola / custard apple family:

Apparently fruits in the custard apple and sour sop family help kill off cancer cells. However, health professionals do warn that taking too much supplements could result in movement disorders similar to Parkinson's. I'm sure eating a fruit a couple of times a week is beneficial, especially as it contains both vitamins and minerals but perhaps one should inform oneself further before believing it to be a miracle cure against cancer here.

Papaya leaves: 

Supposedly these tasty looking things also help kill cancer cells due to the compound called acetogenin contained within the leaves. More and more research is appearing about papaya leaves and their cancer killing properties. For more information click here.

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